Monday, November 30, 2009

How do you Treat others?

Last Thursday night after a day of hard work on the project I am on, I got on the bus and right at the end at the last row of seat was a man seated like a king. He was sitting with such strive in his posture with the body straight up, his eyes gazing, two legs spread wide apart that the 2 seats besides him were left empty. Not because people do not want to sit but only because he was seriously hoarding the other 2 seats with his legs. Then I reflected on myself, “Do I live in a way that there is no consideration for others?”

The bus went by a petrol station and I saw a man with his hand tucked on his hips supervising 4 Indian car washers who were polishing his BMW. Never have I seen in a car wash that there are 4 car washers needed to attend to a car. Then I asked myself, “Just because we are paying for the service of others, does it gives us the right to lord over them?”

After which I recalled about my friend who in the afternoon did a heroic act not out of pride but selfless sacrifice. As we walk pass a large canal (picture of the canal can be found on the right of the blog titled “Can you see it?”) and to our surprise, there was a dog in it. Without a thought, he just climbed down from the side ladder of the canal and proceeded to rescue the poor dog out of the puddle of dirty water the dog was in despite he having to go to a class later. Then I pondered to myself, ”How many of us will go out of the way to the extend of dirtying ourselves to help others?”

“Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” John 15:13

He, who made the above statement did exactly as what He had said as He laid down His life for all mankind 2000 years ago.

Do you know Him? Do you know He really loves you?

Monday, November 16, 2009

What is IT?

"There is a way which seems right to a man,
But its end is the way of death."
- Proverbs 16:25 -

Many times in life, we think we got IT?
But have we really got IT right?

A chapter of Proverbs a day
Keeps the Foolishness away
rei or ray

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

the Poster & the People


is this REALLY ALL to IT?

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Brevity of Life

“Man is like a breath; His days are like a passing shadow.” Psalm 144:4

One of my friend was diagnose with a heart problem – “Wolff-Parkinson-White” last week. It is genetic and causes rapid heartbeat. Life still pretty much goes on the same except that there is a risk of sudden death which is relatively low (incidence of 0.6%). However, being me, I started to put myself in the shoe of my friend and asked, “How will life makes a different then?”

Living in a considerable blessed and safe country, do you find that many of us have actually taken life for granted? Just last week, there was the news of a gentleman who got married and the following day after marriage, he was found dead at the hotel lobby. The gentleman happens to be one of my acquaintance’s friend. Small world, isn’t it? It is a tragic in which no one would have expected it. It only goes to show that life is just so vulnerable as the next instant anyone of us can be gone! The question then lies with, “How many of us live as we are living each day as our last?”

I have to come clean and say that I yet to fully grasp it daily and thus, should I have to live with the consciousness of a heart problem, perhaps I might? But must we really resort to such a situation to be so? You might ask, “Is there really such a need?”

Supposed we live as such, many of us perhaps will no longer be caught in the rat race of the city life? Or no longer let the petty little issues of life bother us? Or learn to treasure others in a greater extent? Most importantly, we will start to see things in the light of eternity?

Living this life is important but preparing for the next is perhaps more important. Not being prepared and having the mentality that you will always have a next day, putting off decision after decision is as good as gambling because the truth is life can be taken away in a blink of the eye. Why take the gamble then?

At the end of it, all of us still have to ultimately face this question which we all tend to avoid – “Are we ready when the time has come to depart from this life?”

Are you?