Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The God who hears and rearrange - Philippine V

Here is a recap of the 5th week of the Evangelistic Campaign in Philippine. It is the final stop for our campaign and we thank God for the opportunity to be able to share the truth with so many souls in this beautiful island. Our 5th stop - Davao!

10 Aug, Mon
We touched down safe and sound at Davao and had durians for breakfast as Davao is known to be the kingdom of fruits as it produce many kind of fruits to the many part of Asia. It was pouring heavily in the evening as if the Lord will do a mighty work in Davao! On the way back to pension house from the center (office), a few of the roads were flooded to knee level and above. The van was basically swimming but I was praying that God will protect the van knowing that if the van's engine failed on us, we will have to walk back to the hotel with our pant and shoes wet. The Lord is ever so good to us as we managed to hit the dryer roads and headed back safe and sound!

11th Aug, Tue

Our schedule for today was classroom evangelism. I managed to speak to a smaller group on a more personal level as special attention was needed for this guy, Alvin who is a bit feminine in his ways. Through the grace of God, he made a profession and is willing to change from his old ways. Do keep him in prayer that he will be able to break from the bondage that he is in.

12th Aug, Wed
I was burden to speak to driver who has been driving us around. At about 3pm, I decided to make a trip out even though I was not scheduled to go out. Upon entering the van and having a short conversion with him, I knew this was the moment to be talking to him about his salvation. We had a long conversion but the God just clear his misunderstanding and he was willing to trust in Jesus 100%! After the prayer, he just looked up and started saying with a still small voice and gratefulness from the heart, "Thank you Lord! Thank you Lord!" I asked him how he felt and he replied, "I feel happy!".

The joy which only God can provides! If only many others understand that this joy can only be from Jesus!

13th Aug, Thu
The last group I spoke to in the morning was a smaller group of guys. I am thankful for meeting them as after having accepting Jesus as their Savior, they came forward to me and said, "Thank you Kuaya (Brother)!". My heart warmed to what was being said and I can only thank God for using me as His mouthpiece to spread the truth!

Will you also not join in so that you can also taste the joy of seeing another soul entering into eternity?

14th Aug, Fri
In the evening, I had wanted to invite 4 girls who were just hanging around near the center up to our Gospel night but was rejected. I then handed the Good News tracks to them and hang around a bit myself till one of them finally asked, "What is this about?". 1 of the girls I spoke to rejected the Good News initially and thus, I decided to lead the other 3 to make a profession for Christ first. I got back to the girl and started on a more personal level to find out the reason - family problem!

It was at that point of time I came to realise why I have been meeting all the girls with family problems as I was from the same background and thus, will be able to relate to them or should I say be able to understand.

I began to share on a deeper personal level about my life and how life would have ended for myself if God has not been with me through those teenage years of my life. God just slowly peel off the layers of her heart as she then also accepted Jesus as her Savior! Praise the Lord!

Perhaps like her, you do not know why you are in the situation you are but trust me, you will one day. If I had not went through what I have through in my younger days, will I be able to relate to those young ladies who are hurting?

The presence of God was greatly felt that night as I shared the Good News with the 4 girls because the Philippine SMCI teams - Ven, Joanna Fe and some of them were praying as I was sharing. If it was not for them praying, the girl's heart would not have soften and neither will I be able to relate so well to her.

Do you know that it is through prayer that the hands of God move hearts?

15th Aug, Sat
I volunteered myself to go with my Philippine buddy - Ven from Bohol to do classroom evangelism. In my 2nd class, there were supposed to be 10 students but turn out that only 2 students came. Thus, I got to speak with the 2 students and the teacher in a personal level. God knows best that this have to be a small group as 1 of the girls was from a cult. The moment I knew it, I started crying out in my heart to God, "God, you have to help me on this!".

At the end of the sharing, I went individually to ask them for a decision and the girl from the cult 1st reply was, "I think I am beginning to understand!" At her reply, I can only thank God for opening her eyes but I knew she was struggling. Thus, I gave her time to think through and let God continue to work in her heart. Upon returning back to her, she replied convincingly, "Yes, I will want to trust in Jesus!". I can only be so thankful at that instance on how God removed the veil so that she too can receive the truth, the truth which sets her free!

Likewise, my heart-felt thanks to the Philippines SMCI team who were praying while I was sharing!

To God be the Glory!

16th Aug, Sun
It was a normal Sunday service and the campaign has ended yesterday. God has been really good to us in working out all the details, opening doors and simply just bringing us to the people who are seeking Him! I am sure many of the team members have their little stories. Though the campaign has ended, evangelism has not! May the team continue to seek those who are lost as people need the Lord regardless who and where they are!

Do keep the Negros, Bohol, Cebu, Leyte and Davao team in prayer as they continue on the follow up work with those who have made a profession in Christ!

17th Aug, Mon
This is it! We were heading home but frankly, there are still so much more souls unreached in the Philippines especially in Davao.

Will you come and see for yourself the harvest which is so white and ready next year? Pray about it, will you?

In Davao & Leyte
Number of souls who heard the Gospel: 3,835
Number of souls who trusted Jesus: 2,260

Total Number of souls who heard the Gospel thus far: 43,405
Total Number of souls who trusted Jesus thus far: 29,838

I personally thank God for allowing me to come for this Evangelistic campaign for 5 weeks as I needed it! Through the trip, I have learned many lessons and perhaps I might share it with you some other day.

My host family who is like a family to me called me yesterday morning. Their grandmother - Michiko whom I also know passed away on Sunday morning. Thus, I will be flying off to Japan tonight.

Do keep me in prayer:
a) That the Lord will continue to keep me in good health and give me the strength that I need.
b) That the Lord will quicken my mind and tongue that I will be able to share the Good News to many in His wisdom and love.
c) Do pray for especially for open door for me to share with the Mogami family which is my host family that the Lord will be soften their hearts that they too will come to know Jesus personally as their Savior!

Life is short! Eternity is long! or should say eternity is forever!

For those who know Jesus, will you not share with others about Him who loves you deeply least you regret?

For those who do not, if you truly seek, you shall find. Will you not seek to know Jesus personally?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The God that touches hearts - Philippine IV

This is the 4th week of the Evangelistic Campaign in Philippine. The harvest indeed is plentiful and so ready! Will also come and see the harvest field for yourself? Our 4th stop - Leyte!

3rd Aug, Mon
The morning ferry at 5.45am still did not depart for Leyte. We were set to sail at 11am and the Lord was good as we were allow to sail on the condition that if the sea gets rough, we will have to turn back. We managed to set foot on Leyte at last but we had a rough ride as some of us got dizzy from it. The good part was there wasn't any other activity today.

4th Aug, Tue
We started off with the colleague with room to room evangelism. In my first room was a teacher who actually recognised me as I have spoken to his other batch of students last year. It only goes to show that the ground here has yet to be penetrated and contaminated.

Pastor Mike and Benji went to the Southern part of Leyte in which many of students probably have not heard of the Gospel before.

Since last year after my visit here, I always felt the harvest here is ready to be reap. Do pray for laborers to be raised that more can listen to the Word in Leyte!

5th Aug, Wed
It was a nation wide holiday as it was the burial day of the ex-president. Everyone of us does have this final appointment - Death. This is perhaps the reason why I am here as the reality of perishing in eternity remains real to me.

We went to a colleague to do beach street evangelism instead as they were having a carnival. I wasn't with them but at about 4plus we started to do group evangelism as the crowd was starting to settle down on the big football field. The time was up and we were supposed to head down to another church for their prayer meeting but I just felt led to stay on and continue as the time for harvest was right as the crowd had begin to settle down.

Jesus loves them all, right?

6th Aug, Thu
In the 1st colleague and 1st classroom I spoke to, there was a girl who said she could not believe in Jesus a 100% but 70% only. I asked her why and she started to teared as she replied me that she couldn't understand why she is in her current situation - in a broken home. It broke my heart as I understand how she might have felt as I am from the same background. I started to spend more time with this class than my usual rounds letting them know that God has a plan and really loves everyone of them which is why I am here in the Philippine now. Do keep her in prayer.

In the afternoon, 1 of the high school class actually came searching and invited me into their class. I asked them if anyone has shared with them and it turn out that it was Daphne who spoke to them last year! It was good to see the fruits of last year as they were pretty sure of their way to Heaven! Do you?

I just spend some time to reassure them again. It will be good to see these high school students growing in the grace, love and knowledge of our Lord Jesus. Do keep the follow up in Leyte in prayer.

The next class was a year 1 class which consist of students as young as 12. I had to be really simple but it was just a joy to see them coming to Jesus in child-like faith!

7th Aug, Fri
We split up into 2 teams and managed to cover 7 high schools! It was a major hectic day as we were fighting for time as well. The last high school was a tough group as their 2nd to 4th year students had some students who were just unable to pay attention. However, the Lord still works in the midst of it as 1 girl was simply tearing away when I asked for decision to be made for Jesus.

All are precious to Him!

8th Aug, Sat
Our campaign in Leyte ended today with a few mass and a few classrooms evangelism. The Lord was good to us in land of Leyte as we see how He just open doors for us to preach the Gospel and see many coming to know Him personally. We had a good time moving forward on our knees in prayers which was much needed as well. Do keep this place in prayer!

9th Aug, Sun
It was a full day of church activities. In our Uth Group meeting, it was encouraging to see how the Lord had worked in the heart and open the eyes of Jeremy, Jill and Melody as they shared their testimonies. We took a night ferry to Cebu for our flight to Davao. It was a big ferry and there was bed for us to sleep in. It was pretty cool and fun to me.

In Leyte, Cebu, Bohol & Negros:
Number of souls who heard the Gospel: 9,307
Number of souls who trusted Jesus: 6,802

Total Number of souls who heard the Gospel thus far: 39,570
Total Number of souls who trusted Jesus thus far: 27,578

We are currently in Davao in which it is a very different ground. Do keep us in prayer that many doors will be open as we continue to labour to share the Gospel in truth, simplicity and love that many more may come to the saving knowledge of Christ! It is our last week and do keep the health of the team in prayer!

It has been 4 weeks since I am away. If you are from GLCC, do say, "Hi!" to my sister if you see her! Thanks!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Goodness of God - Philippine III

God continue to shows His goodness as He look into all our individual needs as we continue to hit into the 3rd week of the Evangelistic Campaign! 3rd stop - Cebu!

27 Jul, Mon
We entered into a day of rest which means that there is absolutely no travelling (which is consider as work as it can be rather taxing) not to mention any form of evangelism. It was a much needed rest as Yu Fei was down with fever, cough and flu since Saturday. My buddy Benji share the Good News to a guy from Syria though and he made a profession in Christ! All are precious in His sight!

28 Jul, Tue
God knew we still needed the rest as there was no schedule lined up for us. We had to send Yu Fei and Jeremy to the clinic as it had been getting rather bad for them. Moreover, Jill and Melody seems to have caught the bug too. A good time was spend in prayer in the late afternoon.

29 Jul, Wed
We had to send Melody and Jill to the clinic as they too have caught the bacteria that has been spreading around Philippine. However, in the afternoon, doors were open for classroom evangelism. 1 of the high school we went to made me ponder how much they can really learn there? It really goes to show how fortunate we are back home in Singapore!

30 Jul, Thu
My body started to ache as we travelled to the mountain area. Yes, the bacteria has caught up with me. We started evangelising to the students who were having their free time. The Lord was good as I managed to talk to a good bunch of people. I managed to talk to a few group but by the end of it, I knew my body was going down. The truth was I was crying out to the Lord for deliverance as the bacteria was just deadly!

31 Jul, Fri
I woke up with a mild fever and had to rest for the day. We traveled and stayed in the hostel of the University in the southern part of Cebu the night before as we were going to do our evangelism there. The people were just hungry for the Word of God as they were receptive and many responded to the Lord in this campus! It seems that the Spirit of God is moving in this Campus mightily! Who knows a revival might just break out from this campus?!?

1 Aug, Sat
I have got a sweet surprise in the morning and am thankful for everyone in the team who made it quite special. "Us" taking photos in my sleeping attire. Really appreciate it - Thanks to all who gave me a surprising morning (Though some of them might never read it)!

Ben and Ven went to Leyte and Bohol respectively the day before as we had mass evangelism there. They preach to 2 big crowds and we thank God for it. The rest of us are on a day off and I managed to finished the book, "Calvary Road" by Roy Hession. I supposed the Lord had me to rest so I could finish reading this book. May the stiff necked "I" continue to be bend to the loving "C" that it is not I but Christ that lives in and through me!

Every believer of Jesus should read this book!

2 Aug, Sun
We went back to the University of Cebu and it became a classroom evangelism instead of mass evangelism just like the previous year. Somehow, the Lord is also working in this school as we preached to the ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Cadets) students and got great response! In addition, we have also found great favor with the officers there as well. Praise the Lord for the good week we have in Him!

In Cebu, Bohol & Leyte:
Number of souls who heard the Gospel: 8,640
Number of souls who trusted Jesus: 6,219

Total Number of souls who heard the Gospel thus far: 30,262
Total Number of souls who trusted Jesus thus far: 20,776

We were supposed to be on our way to Leyte right now but because of bad weather, our ferry has been re-schedule to tomorrow, 11am. Kindly pray for good weather as we will need it especially from this coming Thursday to Sunday as we have special travel arrangements!

Continue to keep the spiritual and physical health of the team in prayer!