Monday, July 27, 2009

The personal God who loves all - Philippine II

This is a different approach from my last write up on the Evangelism Campaign I am on as it is more of a personal account of what has taken place for myself in Bohol as I have got more time for personal evangelism. However, the Lord has been good as doors were open for the 1st time on Bohol for class room evangelism. 2nd stop - Bohol!

21 Jul, Mon
I managed to speak with the driver who was driving us around for the first 2 days. To begin with, we prayed for his Salvation and half way through the journey, I got to sit besides him and started to talk to him about God. Our conversation was cut off as we had to buy lunch. After lunch, I managed to catch up on where we left the conversation and God is always good as the driver made a profession in our Lord Jesus Christ.

22 Jul, Tue
Our amplifier broke down due to our carelessness but the Lord is good as He showed Himself strong by providing us with another amplifier. This is the night where we see the mass evangelism packed to the brim for the movie night and many entering into the Kingdom of God!

23 Jul, Wed
The Lord lead me to talk to a waitress who served us dinner and I found out that she is a Pastor's daughter. She has been discouraged by some events and people which many of us find ourselves in at times. God was gracious as He used me to be an encourage to this sister-in-Christ. In the midst of encouraging her, I am reminded that I too need to fix my eyes on the Lord regardless of the circumstances.

24 Jul, Thu
My knee started to sore on me due to certain reason and the fatigue was running in. I didn't managed to do much but God is still good as I managed to talk to 1 guy and 2 gals respectively. It is always a honour to be able to do personal or to a smaller group evangelism as joy will fill your heart upon seeing their eyes light up after they received the Lord as their Saviour.

25 Jul, Fri
I didn't managed to do much today as well as I had to go extend my visa in the afternoon. However, the Lord is good once again as He led me to this girl who had wanted to join our Gospel night but couldn't make it as she is staying rather far away. She is definitely seeking and had wanted to know the truth hidden behind the traditions in which she is brought up in this country. Immediately after accepting Christ into her heart, her face light up with appreciation as she tells me, "Thank you". The truth indeed will set us free!

26 Jul, Sat
I went into a classroom by the invitation of the students as their teacher had not arrived yet. Half way through the sharing he came and I asked him for permission to continue. He graciously allowed me to continue and even joined in to listen to the Gospel. He too chose to depend solely on our Lord Jesus!

In the midst of another sharing, at the end of the invitation, a teacher came and wanted to stop it all. By the hands of God, I managed to round it up at the right timing and only to find out about this incident after we left the school.

Our God is a Sovereign God!!!

27 Jul, Sun
We said our "Goodbyes" to the SMCI and their Uth group in Bohol as we headed to Cebu. If there is anything I can say about this Uth group, it is passion! Without passion, we will just continue to be luke warm and not be able to excel for the Lord! Continue to keep this Uth group in prayer!

In Bohol:
Number of souls who heard the Gospel: 8,640
Number of souls who trusted Jesus: 6,219

Total Number of souls who heard the Gospel thus far: 24,032
Total Number of souls who trusted Jesus thus far: 17,437

Half the team has left us on Saturday. We are taking a 2 days break today and tomorrow from the campaign before we start work in Cebu followed by Leyte and Davao.

Prayer Request:
a) Recovery for Yu Fei down with fever
b) Recovery for Jeremy down with cough
c) Recovery for PM down who just hurt his toe today
d) Recovery for myself as I am down with a headache as I am writing this

Continue to keep the whole team in prayer especially for strength and good health. Will try my best to keep you updated next week.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Faithfulness of God - Philippine I

I am at Philippine now on an Evangelistic Campaign with a team of soul winners to proclaim the Gospel - the Good News that our Lord Jesus loves you and He wants to have a relationship with you! My 1st stop - Negros!

13 Jul, Mon
We prayed for rain in 1 of the Campus because we needed them to go to the shelter as their cleaning up of the school compound schedule was changed from last Friday today due to the heavy rain. God answered our prayer immediately after we prayed - raindrops just started falling from the gates of heaven!

14 Jul, Tue
1 of the bridge that was washed out due to the rain last Friday and it usually take longer than usual to fixed the bridge which will result in a longer travelling time. But God is good as it was fixed and fit for travelling and thus, we had a shorter travelling time!

15 Jul, Wed
We see more than 3,000 souls making a profession for Christ as the Gospel was preached to around 4,000 souls! Pentecost?

16 Jul, Thu
The Gospel campaign night was packed up to the brim at the last moment which God once again showed Himself strong as it was expected to be a night of low attendances as the next day, the school was in preparation for a major event!

17 Jul, Fri
Saudi, a guy who we spoke to last year appeared and we had a heart to heart talk with him. Do pray that he will be able to break free from the bondage of sin that he is in and that he will be able to trust the Lord whole heartedly with his life.

18 Jul, Sat
We had opposition form 1 of the school for our mass Evangelism campaign. We prayed and once again, the Lord opened the door! At the other campaign, it started to drizzle a little but we prayed, and once again God holds back the rain so that the Good News can be preached!

19 Jul, Sun
We got on the ferry which was supposed to be on servicing. Without the ferry, we would have to do a midnight ferry or take a 8 hour bus ride on Saturday to our next destination. Once again, God is just faithful and so good to us!In Negros:
Total Number of souls who heard the Gospel thus far: 15,372
Total Number of souls who trusted Jesus thus far: 11,218

This week, God is good to us as we see how He shows us miracles after miracles and most importantly, that He loves the people in Philippine which is why He did what we asked of Him!

I am currently in Bohol, do continue to keep us in prayer as we continue to share the Good News to a harvest wide and ready!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Recap – The 1st of July

“Yesterday marks the end of half a year. Today marks the beginning to the end of the year. Is life all there is to what we see of it?”

Date: 1st July 2007, 12:22am

It is approximately 1 and a half hour when I started writing this journal in which the last day of half a year will pass. Like the saying goes - times really flies! Just another half a year more and we will bid this year goodbye and welcome another brand new year. Half a year consist of 184 days which is 4,416 hours which is 264,960 minutes which is also 15,987,600 seconds. That's a lot of seconds if you look at the figures but seconds are just like the air we breathe; the air which our hands are unable to grasp; the air that will just slip us by.

How will you like to live this 2nd half of the year then?

I have come to realise that through the past few years whatever I have achieved in life such as how I managed to move up with the ranks on the corporate ladder of my career or the few relationships I have been through or etc. I have never been able to solve the mystery of the heart. Thus, returning back to ground zero once again. To the origin and beginning in a search for what lies in life itself? Where will it lead to? What is the meaning to it? What is the purpose of it all?

After writing this, I might again bury myself in the midst of the busy and hectic schedule in this little city. However, I am sure this will come and hunt me again. For I have been running away from this for years only to find myself returning to pose the same questions over and over again. Perhaps I do know the answer but am just unwilling to conform to it. Human nature, we just want our ways, don't we?

Sometimes, we just have to get ourselves slap in the face in order to reckon the truth and answer which we have already know since a long time ago. We just choose to ignore or to find a thousand and one reasons there are to put away what we should do. Because we like to think we are wise enough to know what is right or good for us. Or maybe we are just pure wilful? Will I finally be able to put an end to the merry-go-rounds which I have been running about? I am not sure but I guess it is time. This time, hopefully I will submit my heart to put things right and will it in the direction it should go.

The Last Day of June... the Last Day to which Half a Year will be gone... How will you want to live the next half to the year? How will you want to live this life from this second on? For the minutes and seconds of the First Day of the second half of the year has started to tickle away...

Date: 1st July 2009, 10:10pm

Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit”; whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. James 4:13-14

I would love to continue on what exactly happened a year later but this entry will be far way too long. Thus, I should leave you with an ending question:

Have you ever felt the same way like what I have written 2 years ago?

(If yes, I will greatly encourage you to continue to my previous entry which is just below – “Life’s Answer” and please read on)